We are finally organizing the 8th of our traditional Lean 6 Sigma Conference event, which we have been holding since 2006.
While the pandemic conditions caused a decrease in the concentration on our work, our productivity was negatively affected in many areas. On top of that, the earthquake disaster experienced by our country has also caused wounds that are difficult to describe and compensate, and we are/we will face the costs caused by this disaster.
Problems with competition and cost have reached overwhelming proportions. In order to achieve a greater acceleration in efficiency and cost reduction , we are inviting Turkey’s leading professionals:
- To reward and honor their employees who contribute to the ongoing continuous improvement and development system,
- To increase the impact of the work carried out, to see what other companies' practices are and whether they will be beneficial to them,
- To listen to the good and bad practices from the practitioners themselves,
- To show that the responsibility of continuous improvement and development is cared by the leaders. To ensure the participation of especially senior managers together with the employees,
- To meet with the experts of other companies, sharing knowledge and experience,
- To see which phases await their continuous improvement and development system in the short and medium term, to make improvements, to take precautions,
- To listen to the effective techniques and technologies used within the scope of continuous improvement from the practitioners,
- To learn what kind of projects the companies with which they have sectoral similarity do,
We believe that this conference will also be an enthusiastic celebration after the long intervening period. We will be very happy to have your company as our strong partner and sponsor at this celebration.
Akın Polat
S.P.A.C. Consultancy, Co-Founder, General Manager